Service Pillars: We understand that security is not just at the end of the process, it's a journey, and culture that lives and breaths through the organisation. That's why all our services follow these simple three pillars.


We help teams build cost effective, secure, resilient products and services, using the shift left principles embodied in the DevSecOps way of working. We can help you threat model cloud services, secure them properly, and always deploy secure code keeping your customer data safe.


Whether you need to align to a cost framework, data governance objective or a cyber security framework, we can guide and help you. Our skilled team offers everything from professional penetration testing services, to configuration reviews, and assessing that your technology meets your cost, governance and framework needs.


Are you using multiple hosted services like Microsoft 365, Google Workspace, adopting the cloud, Azure, GCP or AWS or maybe hosting your infrastructure? We can help you design processes that enable you to operate securely and cost effectively with velocity across multiple providers.

Ethical Hacking

The Evolve Pack, Mollis' expert consultants will help proactively discover targets and weaknesses that could allow an adversary to escalate privileges, move undetected, and ultimately retrieve sensitive data or access critical functionality. Conducting zero, partial or complete knowledge assessment(s), we''ll emulate the actions of attackers who've gained a foothold into the network, uncovering vulnerable systems, pathways and data at risk.

We always aim to harden your security controls while meeting regulatory, supply chain, and stakeholder requirements. We'll arm you with actionable results that you can use to improve your security posture.

Threat Hunting

We emulate a real-world attack scenario, executed by our expert testers. Mollis ethical hackers learn about your attack surface within the supply chain, linking findings, and hunting for vulnerabilities that can harm your organisation. We proactively uncover ways adversaries gain initial access to your environments, insecure apps, misconfigurations, missing patches, poor password hygiene, and sensitive data disclosure.

Our managed manual threat-hunting service utilises advanced testing skills and automated intelligence tools monitoring your cybersecurity 24/7/365.

Incident Response

Today's digital landscape presents significant challenges for organisations. To stay protected and respond quickly to security incidents, we focus on enabling your team with knowledge, recommended processes, tools, and exercises around forensics, logging, and monitoring.

Preparing your company

Often, teams have unwritten know-how, which isn't helpful when incidents occur. Lacking an IR plan, runbook, logical network maps, and data flows can strongly impact a response. By keeping things simple, an IR plan outlining who has the authority to make the tough calls and providing an appendix with tooling available, listing roles to be used (local team and third-party support), your ability to respond quickly to a cyberattack will increase.

Understanding your environment

You need to have the detailed number of roles, permissions, and assets on the network. Visibility and control of proper log settings and delivery, with continuous testing, will help your IR capability. Consider long-term actionable log reviews for IR and threat hunting to keep cloud costs reduced, ingest, and store critical logs.

Explore our latest security services and offerings.