Opinion: Various articles from our colleagues and friends.

SOFWERX is a non-profit organization that serves as an innovation platform for the United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM). It's essentially a collaborative hub where government, industry, academia, and national labs come together to tackle the complex challenges faced by special operatio...


Cloud optimisation has been a hot topic of conversation, so let's dig into the strategies behind leveraging the cloud and how organisations can improve efficiency, scalability, and cost-effectiveness.

Mollis Group has five success pillars within our take on cloud optimisation:

Migration; lots o...


We wanted to write an article which is aimed at those of you that are just like us and either own or are considering owning a WordPress powered website. You may even be using WordPress purely for your website Content Management System (CMS).

We have an OUTSTANDING graphic designer / web developer...


Spear phishing is a type of social engineering attack during which a perpetrator that is disguised as a trusted individual, will trick their victim into clicking an embedded link in an email, text message or Instant Message which will then cause the victim to install malware on their network and sub...


Cloud migration. The Final Frontier. And one of the most complex when you’ve been running workloads on-premises for years, but it can be done.

What you need to know about cloud migration

To be successful, you need a clearly defined, well-researched, and coherent strategy. Any approach that doesn...


As a CISO, you are responsible for securing information technology for your company, partners and customers. Cloud security transformation requires a holistic approach to migration so that you can manage risks in the new cloud environment and leverage the opportunities of cloud security for your tea...


Let us know what you are solving for, we'll help you find a secure solution.